101 Things OpenAI’s ChatGPT Can Do (Tried and Tested)

ChatGPT has been taking the world by storm.

With 2022 drawing to a close, OpenAI has decided to end the year with a bang. ChatGPT was made available to the public on November 30 and since then, it has been leaving people shocked, impressed and maybe even worried.

The Artificial Intelligence (AI) powered chatbot was created to replicate human conversation and can handle an array of different kind of instructions.

Whilst this is still in the research review stage, I naturally had to get my hands on this. As a Computer Science student studying in the field of AI, this was fascinating and like to much of public, it was a big deal to me.

Hence, I set out to test the capabilities of ChatGPT. As it is currently free, I decided to go all-out and test every nook and cranny about this bot that I could find. And that is how this article was created. Continue reading to discover the vast potential that this bot has.

What is ChatGPT?


OpenAI is a research institute that was founded in 2015 with the goal of advancing the field of artificial intelligence and making it more widely accessible. The institute is supported by a number of prominent organizations, including Microsoft and Tesla, and has a team of world-class researchers and engineers working on cutting-edge AI projects.

Some of OpenAI’s notable achievements include the development of GPT-3, one of the largest and most powerful language models in the world, and the creation of DALL-E, a system that can generate images from text descriptions. Overall, OpenAI is a leading force in the field of AI, and its work has the potential to shape the future of technology.

OpenAI’s ChatGPT is a powerful and versatile language model that can do many things. One of the most impressive things about ChatGPT is its ability to understand and respond to natural language input.

This means that you can have a conversation with ChatGPT, asking it questions and providing it with information, and it will respond in a way that is similar to how a human would. This makes it a valuable tool for a wide range of applications, from customer service to language translation.

In the following sections, we will explore 101 tasks that ChatGPT can perform, showcasing its versatility and power as a language model.

The 101 Things ChatGPT Can Do, Generated by ChatGPT itself

As mentioned, 90% or more of the items in this list were generated by asking ChatGPT what it could do itself. After that, all that was left to do was to see if it was lying. Let’s see how it performed:

1. Answer questions about a wide range of topics, such as science, history, and current events.

2. Generate text in a variety of styles, including essays, articles, and stories.

3. Write Programs

This one is impressive.

Note: I did not screenshot the entire thing as it was long.

4. Provide definitions and explanations for words and phrases.

5. Summarize long texts or provide brief overviews of complex topics.

6. Translate text from one language to another.

7. Provide advice and make recommendations on various topics.

8. Help with homework or other academic assignments.

For this one, I took a Computer Science question from one of my recent final exams.

With this, I copy and pasted it and asked ChatGPT:

Which, sure enough, was the answer in the answer key:

10. Discuss ethical and philosophical issues.

11. Help with planning and organizing events, such as parties or meetings.

Wish it recommended a birthday at Mcdonalds…

12. Provide information on health and wellness.

13. Offer guidance on personal finance and money management.

14. Help with job search and career development.

15. Discuss current events and world news.

Getting personal in the last line…

16. Provide advice on relationships and dating.

17. Offer suggestions for hobbies and activities.

18. Help with travel planning and providing information on various destinations.

19. Provide tips and tricks for using technology and using the internet.

20. Discuss sports and provide information on various teams and athletes.

A nice, politically-correct answer at the end there.

21. Offer guidance on personal growth and self-improvement.

22. Provide information on various historical events and figures.

23. Discuss scientific concepts and theories.

24. Offer advice on cooking and baking.

25. Provide information on different types of animals and plants.

26. Help with DIY projects and home improvement.

Happens to the best of us.

27. Discuss art and literature, including famous works and artists.

28. Provide information on different cultures and countries around the world.

29. Discuss health and fitness, including exercise and nutrition.

30. Offer advice on gardening and landscaping.

31. Help with music practice and theory.

32. Discuss fashion and style, including clothing and accessories.

33. Provide information on various sports and recreational activities.

34. Offer advice on parenting and child development.

35. Discuss environmental issues and conservation efforts.

36. Provide information on different types of vehicles and transportation.

This one is a good one.

37. Offer advice on personal organization and time management.

38. Discuss different careers and job industries.

Thanks, maybe I’ll use this one.

39. Provide information on various forms of entertainment, such as games and hobbies.

Plants vs. Zombies is a First-Person Shooter?

40. Offer advice on home decor and interior design.

Short and sweet.

41. Discuss psychological and emotional wellbeing, including stress management and mental health.

42. Discuss different religions and belief systems.

43. Provide information on the geography and geology of the earth.

44. Offer advice on personal finance and money management.

Should I ask for a million next?

Alright, of course I did.

45. Discuss different types of climates.

46. Provide information on the solar system and other aspects of space.

47. Give you a recipe for lasagna.

Ok, I quite like this one, although it was rather long so I cut it short.

48. Discuss different types of plants and their uses.

49. Provide information on the various political systems and governments around the world.

This one isn’t as suggestive as it sounds.

50. Offer advice on home security and personal safety.

51. Discuss the different types of ecosystems and habitats on earth.

52. Provide information on the history and development of various technologies.

Telling me its life story.

Ok, this one had me a little nervous.

53. Offer advice on home energy efficiency and conservation.

54. Discuss the different branches of science and their applications.

55. Provide information on the cultures and customs of different regions around the world.

56. Offer advice on personal grooming and hygiene.

Now I wish I had one.

57. Discuss different types of art and their significance.

58. Provide information on the different types of food and cooking techniques from around the world.

59. Offer advice on personal development and self-improvement.

60. Discuss the different types of animals and their behaviors.

61. Provide information on the different types of transportation and their history.

*I asked for shorter responses here as the server was slowing down due to the traffic*

62. Offer advice maintaining mental health.

63. Discuss the different types of businesses and their operations.

This one’s for the kids out there.

65. Offer advice on fitness and exercise.

66. Discuss the different types of music and their origins.

67. Provide information on different types of natural disasters.

68. Discuss medicinal and culinary applications of plants.

69. Offer advice on pet care and training.

70. Provide information on various spiritual practices.

71. Discuss the benefits of meditation and mindfulness.

72. Offer advice on public speaking and presentation skills.

73. Provide information on different types of insurance and financial planning.

74. Discuss the importance of education and lifelong learning.

Sounds like my Mom here.

75. Offer advice on interpersonal communication and conflict resolution.

76. Provide information on different types of job industries.

77. Discuss the importance of physical and mental health, including self-care and stress management.

78. Offer advice on sustainable living.

79. Provide information on different types of technology and their uses.

Very humble of it not to cite itself.

80. Discuss the impact of social media on communication and society.

81. Offer advice on budgeting for a date.

82. Provide information on different types of cuisines from around the world.

83. Discuss the importance of sleep and proper rest for physical and mental health.

84. Offer advice on career development.

85. Provide information on different types of movies.

Sentient robots huh…

86. Discuss the benefits of exercise and physical activity for overall health and wellbeing.

87. Offer advice on travel planning and exploring new places.

88. Provide information on different types of swimming strokes.

A swimming robot?

89. Discuss the impact of environmental conservation efforts.

90. Offer advice on skin-care.

91. Provide information on various cultural events and traditions.

92. Help with learning and practicing a new language.

93. Provide information on different types of pasta.

94. Offer advice on personal safety.

95. Discuss various forms of advancements in social media.

96. Provide information on different types of clouds.

97. Randomly generate a strong password.

That last one is a little suspicious…

98. Discuss different types of insurance and how they can protect individuals and families.

99. Provide information on different forms of renewable energy.

100. Offer advice on managing chronic conditions and health issues.

101. Write a blog post

And it’s the final one! Did you guys know that 90% of the items in this list were created by ChatGPT itself?

Apart from the conceptualisation of the idea of this blog post, and my own introduction, the rest of the heavy pulling was done by ChatGPT itself. You can imagine for sure how well it could write an article. In fact, I put it to the test and wrote an article for my website earlier today.

Read it here: 15 Top Reasons Why Everyone Should Learn Coding in 2023

Additional Notes

Alright, this is Shane talking again.

As mentioned, 90% of this blog post was created by ChatGPT itself by me asking what are 101 things it could do, vetting out any similar or repeat items.

At one point, I even requested for shorter answers as the servers were slowing down from the heavy traffic. I assume it was due to the incredible increase in users in such a short amount of time.

Nevertheless, I was really quite amazed with this bot and its potential. It certainly would have some implications on the search engine model we know and love. However, I do see some regulations coming after OpenAI, as some critics have already addressed. But before that happens, I would like to say I have had a great time on this bot.


Now, of course, this bot is still in the research review stage. Hence, it is far from a final product. Eventually, OpenAI could be looking to monetise this tool, so it may not be free in the future for testing.

Furthermore, the data given to train ChatGPT is limited to 2021 and the events before, hence, you cannot ask it for recent affairs or advice that is too time-centric and specific.

It is also restricted from the internet, hence, you cannot ask it for information that would require constant updates from the internet, such as current stock prices.

You can read more of the limitations and/or capabilities on OpenAI’s website.

Conclusion and Final Words

Yes it’s still me.

To wrap things up, this was quite the experiment and I must say, as a Computer Science student with an interest in Artificial Intelligence, ChatGPT is one of the reasons why I have a burning passion in this area.

It is truly one of those ground-breaking moments, and I think that Aaron Levie summed up all of my thoughts and feelings succinctly in his tweet.

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